Officers President, President Elect & Past President
Division 1 SCDE Senior Management, District Directors & SCDE Office Directors and Area Supervisors
Division 2 SCDE Director of Maintenance, Shop Supervisors, Foremen, Clerks, State and District Technicians
Division 3 State & District Driver Trainers (Safety Officers)
Division 4 District Supervisors and Assistant Directors, Drivers and Monitors and Aides Division
Division 5 Special Needs and McKinney Vento Transportation
Support Team Secretary, Treasurer & Co-Treasurer, Vendor Liaison
Executive Executive Director and Legislative Liaison
President, President Elect and Past President
Darryl K. Webb
2022-24 Past-President
Director of Transportation, Anderson School District 5
Division Leaders
SCAPT leadership includes 5 Division Chairs and Co Chairs with each division representing various employee groups as described below.
Division 1
SCDE Senior Management, District and SCDE Directors, and SCDE Area Supervisors
Division 1
SCDE Senior Management, District and SCDE Directors, and SCDE Area Supervisors

Division 2
SCDE Director of Maintenance, Engineering Associates, Shop Supervisors,
Foremen, Clerks, State & District Technicians
Division 2
SCDE Director of Maintenance, Engineering Associates, Shop Supervisors,
Foremen, Clerks, State & District Technicians
Division 3
State and District Driver Trainers (Safety Officers)

Division 3
State and District Driver Trainers (Safety Officers)

Division 4
District Supervisors and Assistant Directors, Drivers and Monitors and Aids Division
Division 4
District Supervisors and Assistant Directors, Drivers and Monitors and Aids Division

Division 5
Special Needs and McKinney Vento Transportation

Division 5
Special Needs and McKinney Vento Transportation
Support Team
Secretary, Treasurers, Vendor Liaison, Executive Director, Legislative Liaison
Committee Members
Executive, Legislative, Nominating, Road-e-o, Conference, Bylaws, Social Media, Operations/Finance, Audit, Scholarship, Awards, Hospitality and Professional Development
Theresa Taylor
Mike Bullman
Trey Thomas
Ronny Townsend
Darryl Webb
Theresa Taylor
Rita Allison
Sgt. Matt Southern
Ronny Townsend
Darryl Webb
Theresa Taylor
Mike Bullman
Richard Podmore
Darryl Webb
Darren Edwards
Gerald Henry
Robert Hoffman
Teena Mitchell
Luke Patrick
Richard Podmore
Sgt. Matt Southern
Theresa Taylor
Mike Bullman
Robert Hoffman
Richard Podmore
MaShannon Rice
Sgt. Matt Southern
Keith Terry
Nikki Tessner
Trey Thomas
Ronny Townsend
Darryl Webb
Theresa Taylor
Mike Bullman
Trey Thomas
Ronny Townsend
Darryl Webb
Social Media
Robert Hoffman
Teena Mitchell
Wayne Southard
Richard Podmore
Sgt. Matt Southern
Theresa Taylor
Mike Bullman
MaShannon Rice
Nikki Tessner
Bill Tindal
Trey Thomas
Ronny Townsend
Darryl Webb
Herbert McNeal
Pam Wessinger
Theresa Taylor
Mike Bullman
Ronny Townsend
Darryl Webb
Scholarship Sponsor
Theresa Taylor
Robert Hoffman
MaShannon Rice
Keith Terry
Rita Allison
Deborah Blassingame
Monica Cox
Darlene Heger
P.J. Krause
Nikki Tessner
Professional Development
Monica Cox
Richard Podmore
Teena Mitchell
Sgt. Matt Southern
Keith Terry
Darryl Webb