The purpose of SCAPT is to bring together those who are interested in improvement of South Carolina’s public school bus transportation. The association strives to help promote safe and efficient pupil transportation by assisting transportation personnel through information, education, and training. Our goal is to develop the highest standard of performance and professionalism for pupil transportation personnel across our state.
Information. Education. Training.
Brief History
The South Carolina Association for Pupil Transportation is a statewide non-profit 501C Corporation and professional organization that recognizes pupil transportation as a basic contributor to an effective education system.
SCAPT is committed to the continued improvement of all aspects of this specialized education service. SCAPT speaks for supervisors, bus technicians and bus drivers employed by school districts and the state on legislative issues that effect our state bus system.
SCAPT was organized in 1975 as an independent non-profit organization for transportation professionals. Since 1975 SCAPT has provided its members with the tools necessary to help them become better leaders within the transportation arena.
SCAPT is committed to improving school bus operations within our state and has always put student safety first.

What SCAPT Does
Serves as the spokesperson for all student transportation professionals.
Educates and informs member on changes in transportation.
Educates the public and elected officials on student transportation issues.
Works with the Legislature to provide information and support for legislation that will make student transportation safer.
Sponsors Road-E-O Competitions for Regular Bus, Special Needs Bus and Technicians.
Offers Professional Development Classes in:
Student Management.
Driver Training.
NAPT Courses.
Maintains a Web site that allows blogs and discussions on transportation matters.
Recognizes Transportation Professionals.
President Award
Driver of the Year Award
Technician of the Year Award
Hero and Humanitarian Awards
An informative summer conference is held each year for all SCAPT members where we offer Workshops and Professional Speakers that stress our roles as transportation providers to students.